Category: trigonometry

  • SOHCAHTOA Formula

    SOHCAHTOA is a mnemonic device used to remember the trigonometric ratios of sine, cosine, and tangent in trigonometry. It is an essential tool for solving problems involving right triangles. The acronym stands for: In this blog, we will discuss the SOHCAHTOA formula, how to use it, and its applications. The SOHCAHTOA Formula The SOHCAHTOA formula…

  • Law of Sines and Cosines

    The Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines are two essential formulas in trigonometry that help solve triangles, including those that are not right-angled. In this formula, ‘a, ‘b’, and ‘c’ represent the lengths of the sides of the triangle, while ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ represent the opposite angles. Here’s an example to illustrate…

  • Trigonometric Equations

    Trigonometric equations involve the trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent, etc.) and are equations that contain one or more trigonometric functions. Solving trigonometric equations typically involves finding the values of the unknown angle(s) that satisfy the equation. Here are a few examples of trigonometric equations: Trigonometric equations can have multiple solutions, typically within a specified range…

  • Law of Cosines Formula

    The Law of Cosines is a trigonometric formula used to find the length of a side or the measure of an angle in a triangle when you have enough information about the other sides and angles. It applies to any type of triangle, whether it is right-angled or not. The formula for the Law of…

  • Sin, Cos, and Tan Formulas

    The trigonometric functions sine (sin), cosine (cos), and tangent (tan) are fundamental ratios used to relate the angles of a right-angled triangle to the lengths of its sides. Here’s an explanation of each function: Here’s a diagram to help visualize the relationships between the sides and angles in a right-angled triangle: In this diagram, ‘a’…

  • Sin a Sin b Formulas

    The formula “sin(a) * sin(b)” represents the product of the sines of two angles, ‘a and ‘b’. It is a trigonometric identity that can be derived using trigonometric properties and identities. Here’s an explanation of the formula and an example: Explanation:When you multiply the sines of two angles, ‘a’ and ‘b’, the resulting expression “sin(a)…

  • Sin ab Formulas

    The formula for the sine of the angle between two vectors, a and b, is given by: sin(θ) = |a x b| / (|a| |b|), where θ is the angle between the vectors, “x” represents the cross product, and |a| and |b| denote the magnitudes of vectors a and b, respectively. Note that the cross…

  • Trigonometry Formulas For Class 10

    trigonometric ratios : These tables provide pre-calculated values, making it easier to solve trigonometric equations or perform trigonometric calculations without the need for a calculator. 0° 30° 45° 60° 90° sin 0 1/2 √2/2 √3/2 1 cos 1 √3/2 √2/2 1/2 0 tan 0 √3/3 1 √3 undef cot ∞ √3 1 1/√3 0 csc…